View Full Version : Good News Post for All to Share

03-22-2012, 03:45 PM
PP got me thinking....it's been a little rough the past week/month with terminations and all-day-criers, so I thought we could share a story that is good/sweet/funny!

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My birthday was earlier this week :flower: haha and I was getting quite a few phone calls from family members and friends. Dcg asked why so many calls, I explained that it's my birthday to which she replied 'its my birthday too' LOL I didn't think she really got what I was saying and thought it was just a game. (almost 3yrs old) We coloured pictures with sickers earlier in the day, P/U time came and as shes walking out the door asks for her picture from the fridge to take home. okie dokie - she starts walking away again but then turns to me, runs over and gives me the picture with a big hug saying 'happy birthday'!!!!!!!!!! melt my heart!

03-22-2012, 05:06 PM
Awwwwwwww! So cute!

P.S. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that I love this: Satisfaction Guaranteed or Double Your Kids Back!! Now that's a serious threat!:D

Play and Learn
03-22-2012, 05:23 PM
Well, Happy Belated Birthday!!!! :)

Some kids are very sweet!

Sandbox Sally
03-22-2012, 06:20 PM
Aww, that's awesome. Happy belated :D

03-22-2012, 06:46 PM
Happy belated birthday!
Very cute ~ makes those crazy days all worth it!

03-22-2012, 11:29 PM
Happy Birthday

Funny Story? Today my husband, against my better advice, taught one of my dkb that a 'digger truck' is really called a 'Back Hoe'


I'm telling hubby with a 'pleeeeeease understand why I'm saying this face' that, no, it is indeed a DIGGER TRUCK. Well after going back an forth a few times dkb, who is at the window looking at the construction going on, starts talking. " That it is not a digger truck its a 'big ho, hello big ho! What are you doing? you are not a digger truck your a big ho" . . . . suddenly . . . hubby gets it (whoopsi) . . . good thing mom has a great sense of humour. I warned her . . . and as they walk away today the little one is telling her all about the big ho right outside of the livingroom window . . . .

03-23-2012, 03:59 AM
Bahahahaha.... thanks gals. Always up for a laugh!
Oh, husbands. When will they learn? :rolleyes:

03-23-2012, 11:25 AM
Here is one from me.

This is very common in my house. Whenever I do cleaning or cooking or ironing I sing songs (not that I have a beautiful voice:) ) but my songs are "twinkle twinkle little star, ba ba black sheep, down in the jungle etc." Lately one of my dck is a little harsh when he wants to give hugs to other dkc and everytime he tries to give hug I say "gentle" Last weekend hubby and I went for a drive and there was another car over took us without giving signal. I was a bit worried and said "gentle" to my husband. What I meant was to say "careful" :)

03-23-2012, 02:51 PM
Cocoon that makes me laugh! I've caught myself a few times too...

03-23-2012, 10:09 PM
I had 3 girlfriends over for dinner and one of the ladies was wiping crumbs from her dessert onto the floor from the table. I seriously had to bite my tongue because I spend 3 meals a day telling little ones 'no food on the floor please'!

Thanks for the giggles ladies!

03-23-2012, 10:20 PM
I had 3 girlfriends over for dinner and one of the ladies was wiping crumbs from her dessert onto the floor from the table. I seriously had to bite my tongue because I spend 3 meals a day telling little ones 'no food on the floor please'!

Thanks for the giggles ladies!

Who does that? LOL
I've wiped crumbs off before but I shake it onto my own plate....not dirty up my friend's house!! <<eye roll>>

03-24-2012, 05:52 AM
Thanks MammaMia! I thought maybe it was just my cleanfreakness!!!!!

03-24-2012, 11:37 AM
Not sure if you would laugh at this but I though I should share as I know some of you are dealing with it and some of us like me dealt with it already:)

My 3 dck don't want to leave my house. :) Two of them were very difficult in the beginning especially, 1 of them was crying non stop(not joking). And now when they parents' come to pick them up they are running away like chickens :))) and their parents' after them. Very funny.

They don't listen when their parents' ask them to come and sit down but when I ask them to sit down they run to me and sit by me. :) Very sweet! I have to say I never thought I would see these days especially, with one of my dck :)

03-24-2012, 11:41 AM
Momof4, you are a very nice host. If it was me I would tell her to clean that mess before she go otherwise, I will lock the door until she does:) Joke aside, It is very! rude what she did.

03-27-2012, 04:59 AM
Uh, no you DON'T brush it onto the floor!! Sheesh..... :blink:
Cocoon; I am soooo glad to hear your little people are enjoying your care.