View Full Version : Happy Friday!

apples and bananas
04-13-2012, 08:46 AM
I am so happy it's Friday i just wanted to send a nice little "Happy Friday" to everyone.

The little one I gave notice to has since sent me an email expressing her disapointment in my decision. She's also called in sick for the 2 days I was supposed to have her this week. I have no idea if she's going to bother fulfilling the rest of her schedule. How frustrating!

My 2 new little ones are transitioning in nicely! And I finally got a 2 hour nap out of both of them yesturday.

The sun in shining and I plan to spend all day outside with my 1 year old and my 2 year old. It's a light and lazy Friday I think.

Hope everyone has overcome their challenges this week and will spend the weekend getting refreshed and ready to take on the new challenges next week.

04-13-2012, 09:22 AM
Enjoying my Friday too. Only have 3 instead of 5 and the "good" three at that. One of them is leaving at noon as the family is going away for the weekend - next week may be fun if he is totally wiped out but we will cross that bridge on Monday not today,lol. Other two that will be left are my best nappers and earliest picked up so will be done just before 4pm today. Can't complain about today either and yes I do feel like I have earned this privilege.

little rascals
04-13-2012, 09:37 AM
I think today with be a easy day for me as well. I have only one today as the rest are sick. As long as we both manage to stay healthy it will be a good day ... I hope lol.
Have a great Friday everyone!

Inspired by Reggio
04-13-2012, 01:13 PM
Oh I love me Fridays! We always go to playgroup on Friday mornings and leave as soon as the last one gets here because they provide the snack there and it goes until 11:30 so by the time we get home, make and have lunch it is nap and wake up for snack there is maybe 45 minutes of outside fun and than DONE for the weekend!

Sandbox Sally
04-13-2012, 01:19 PM
Happy Friday everyone! We had a great morning at the playground, and now everyone's napping and when they wake up, I plan on spending what's left of the afternoon in my fenced back yard - ie, sitting on my butt! ;)

Cheers to the frickin weekend. :woot:

04-13-2012, 01:26 PM
This is my day exactly! Well, except I never seem to get to sit all that much in the yard as someone always seems to need a nose wiped, help with something, etc. However, yay for beautiful weather and entire days spent outside! (By the way, I seem to have a lot in common with you as I also have three families interviewing for one spot this weekend and I also have my sights set on the older one as the other two are babies...however, I am reserving judegment until I meet them all...older ones can come with their own challenges, like behavioural problems....I hope you get the one you want!)

Happy Friday everyone! We had a great morning at the playground, and now everyone's napping and when they wake up, I plan on spending what's left of the afternoon in my fenced back yard - ie, sitting on my butt! ;)

Cheers to the frickin weekend. :woot:

Sandbox Sally
04-13-2012, 01:59 PM
Thanks, kanga! She has until 2:30 until I take my second faves! lol

Have fun w the interviews, and hope you fill your spot quickly!

04-13-2012, 08:09 PM
We spent the whole week outside and didn't even make a craft because it was beautiful weather. They are forecasting rain all next week in our area of the country so boooooo! Lots of inside days next week.