View Full Version : My 6 month old son keeps waking up at night

03-25-2011, 02:53 PM
Dose anybody have any advice or tricks i could use to try and get my son not to wake up in the middle of the night.

I put him down @ 7-7:30 thats the longest he can stay awake. I feed him his solid foods at around 5-6pm and then he has a bath then his bottle and he's out like a lite.

He used to sleep from 9pm to 7am without waking up but now he wakes up lately once a night around 3-4am the past two night i had to feed him because he wouldn't stop crying i let him cry for 30min i would put his soother in and didn't work. This has been going on for a month or longer now i used to just put his soother and he was fine.

Why is he changing now is because of his teeth? Im just so tired during the day now im in bed by 9pm and haven't been to the gym so that doesn't help but he needs to sleep. Should i remove one of his naps. He had three a day.

Please help.

03-25-2011, 04:02 PM
Waking during the night at this age is usually because of hunger. They go through a major growth spurt around this time. It could also be because of teeth. Does he have any teeth yet?
What is your daily schedule like?

03-25-2011, 08:37 PM
Well i feed him a bottle @ 6:30 or 7 then he plays till 9 goes for a nap for an hr or so then he gets up gets some pablum and fruit i give him 2-3 tbls of pablum plus his fruit peaches banana's etc..

11-12 down for nap 1-2 hours then up and lunch which is a jar of veg or chicken and veg etc.. about 1 hour or more he wants a bottle 6oz but doesn't quite drink it all maybe only 4-5oz.

at 3-4 down again for a 45-1 hr nap then he gets up play's for a bit then @ 6:00 jar of veg or meat and veg or yesterday i tried potatoes and today pasta home made. maybe just needs more substance lets hope. Then 7ish bath time then a bottle then bed.

Today i changed it up gave him his bath later tried to keep him occupied for longer so that he ate his bottle later so lets hope it works but still want to here what you have to say.

03-25-2011, 10:29 PM
He could be hungry! How many ounces of formula does he take in a day? I have a 6 month old son too. He recently hit 20lbs and has been growing like a horse! He still wakes twice a night to nurse...he goes to bed at 6:30pm and wakes for the day at 6am. He usually wakes around midnight and then again around 4am. It really could be any number of things! Growing physically and needing a bit more food. Also remember that intellectual and emotional development can also disrupt his sleep and it's normal. At 6 months old, it's still developmentally normal to nightwake.

Have you read anything by Dr Marc Weissbluth? He's a pediatrician who has spent the last 30 years running a sleep clinic out of Chicago's Children's Hospital. He has lots of great insight into why babies wake at night at certain ages, and also thinsg we can do to encourage the kind of sleep that works best for us.

http://www.parentsconnect.c om/articles/kids-sleeping-boot-camp.jhtml

I hope you get more sleep soon!

03-26-2011, 12:56 AM
Since his lunch is so early what about feeding him supper as soon as he wakes and then just before bed offering him some cereal and fruit. If he used to go to sleep at 9 and is now going two hours earlier he really is sleeping about the same length of time. You could also try to hold off longer in the morning with the idea of taking two naps instead of three so trying to push the first nap as late as possible and then that will push lunch as late as possible with another nap after that. If he does nap again for a short time around supper, he might go back to going to bed later which means sleeping till closer to morning. Some and especially those that are nursing will actually get the baby up around midnight and nurse them and put them back down which often gets them from midnight to 6 so it also means 6 hours of sleep for the mom. Waking for food is still normal for this age. I think it is just because he is going down earlier that it seems like he isn't sleeping as long as he was. Sleeping on the baby schedule and going at 7-8 too may be the only hope you have for awhile of getting enough sleep.

03-26-2011, 06:01 PM
I totally agree about the hunger or teeth, another option though is he working on any new skills? When my kids were learning something new sometimes their brains had a hard time switching 'off' and they would be up wanting to practice.

03-28-2011, 12:58 PM
Thank you everyone for all the advice i appreciate it so much.