View Full Version : Your children getting attached

07-27-2012, 07:55 AM
So, I started this daycare for my son. So I could stay home with my son and he could have a lot of socialization (that was really important to me). He's only 12 months

One thing I failed to consider was my son getting attached. I have a little boy who I go back and forth about letting go, a little girl who has only been here a month and is leaving in two weeks and a woman who is looking for care from October to January.

Is my son old enough to get attached to kids? Do you think he gets sad when his friends leave? If I let go of the little boy, who he LOVES, do you think he would notice? How do YOU handle this?

07-27-2012, 08:04 AM
I too have a 3 year old son who is my motivation for staying home. I find he does ask where his friends are, but they are very adaptable...I wouldn't be concerned.

07-27-2012, 08:59 AM
Heres the thing about kids, (in my opinion) the sooner they learn the things of the great big world, the better off they will be. There is nothing wrong with people coming and going in our lives, that is a life lesson to learn. We live on a farm, the first time we lost an animal we were all devistated. In my eyes, it was a very important lesson...not everything is forever. Really helps a childs reality of coping with the unexpected. (even at the age of 3) builds strength!!! :) re: the friend however: just because he leaves the Day Care doesnt mean he has to leave your sons life, if he is a nice boy and you enjoy them spending time together, organize play dates!!!!