View Full Version : Is my son just testing me.

04-21-2011, 01:07 PM
My son is 7 months almost 8 is he ever going to sleep through the night?
I have done the 5-10-15-20 min thing i have left him for 45min and he wont go to sleep on his own. He has however stopped waking up 3 times and only wakes up ones so thats good.

But the thing that is bothering me is now he seems to be having temper tantrums is this possible at 7 months. He used to be fine to play by himself and only cry when he wanted out of his jolly jumper or change in spot. But last week and this week he's gotten so bad i try and put him in his jumpy he creams throws himself back all that lovely stuff same thing when i try to put him on the floor he will not sit he straitens his legs cry's and then stops crying.

Oh and i try and put him in his high chair the screaming happens again. I don't think i did anything to make him act like this. I pay alot of attention to him he has four other kids to play with during the day. Do you think it's jealousy or he's just testing to see what he can get away with.

I would love any advice at all. What can i do to make the crying stop !!!!. It's like for everything lately nap play meals. It's frustrating and i get mad at him and it's not his fault.

Things ive tried i thought it may be his teeth got baby orajel gave Tylenol cold things to chew on. I have payed extra attention thinking he was jealous. I have just let him cry and ignored him for a while to see if he stops but he doesn't i have to keep trying different things to occupy him. I have ran out of ideas.:no:

I guess im just going to have to wait till he stops and just deal. Someone mentioned he could be frustrated because all the other kids can move around on there own and he can do it yet he tries and you can see he wants to crawl but he just cant do it yet.

So here's my life story hope someone can help. It's tricky especially with my daycare.

Thanks so much for listening

04-21-2011, 02:27 PM
Hi Julie,
Has he started solid foods yet? Does he have any food allergies? I sympathize with you. Every child is so different and it sometimes takes a little while to figure each one out. Just the fact that you're asking for help makes me think you're a great Mommy. Hang in, make a dr appointment to check him for allergies, and take a dep breath. It will be okay. (hugs)

04-21-2011, 02:29 PM
Also, I agree that he might be frustrated that he can't crawl yet. My son loved being put on a blanket on a hard floor (on his belly) and I'd slowly pull him along. He LOVED it! He couldn't believe that he was moving! Try whatever works right??

04-21-2011, 02:37 PM
They do go through stages of testing and what I've found is that just when you feel you can't take it anymore, they ease up and move out of the stage. I think ignoring it would be the best at this point as long as you are sure it's testing and he's not sick or anything. Once he realizes that he consistently gets no attention for it, he should stop. The trick is to be consistent because if you react one way one day and a different way the next, he won`t get a clear message. It`s tough, but should pay off in the end. Good luck and hang in there :p

04-21-2011, 08:59 PM
I would recommend the "Happy Sleep Habits - Happy Child". That helped a lot with me and my children. The book itself is really boring and a good sleep enducer for moms but it also had good advice and info hidden in it too.

I think you are trying all the right things though :yes:.

04-26-2011, 08:56 AM
Thanks you everyone for the words of encouragement. It really make's you wonder why you want more than one child sometimes. i may wait a little longer for our next one. Just over Easter he came down with a really bad ear infection and was screaming all weekend so hopefully he wil be happier soon after the antibiotics kick in. Again thank you all


04-26-2011, 08:59 AM
Yes he has started solids. He doesn't seem to have any allergies. But this Easter weekend i took him to the DR's because he wouldn't stop screaming turns out he had an ear infection i hope he hasnn't had it for a long time. he has a fever that wont go away and his poor ear and teeth all at once it's no wonder people used to drink back in the day. LOL Thank you you for your kind words i appreciate it so much.


04-26-2011, 01:50 PM
Sorry for your poor little man. Ear infections are no fun. It is so hard when they can't tell us it hurts or where it hurts. Hope for both your sakes the antibiotics kick in quickly. When kids have ear infections it hurts to lay down, it hurts to suck, it hurts to chew, it just plain hurts - no fun.

04-26-2011, 02:03 PM
Awwww poor fellow. At least you have a concrete answer on what it was and hopefully he is on the mend now:)