View Full Version : MIght be moving.....many questions

12-20-2012, 11:08 AM
Hello to all, I am new to this site, (but i am on the french one so not so new to how it works)

I have been running a home daycare now for 11 years, aye that makes me feel old:blink:

anyways, My husband traveld to Edmonton for some work, and the offered him a job, and its quite interesting.

BUUUUT we live on the quebec side, (near Ottawa) and it is a big move, and there are a lot of factors, but i will not bore you with those details :p

I will obviously want to keep doing what i have been doing for so long, I LOVE doing what I do and I am damn good at it if I do say so myself:laugh:

I have read a bit here on home daycare but it dates from 2011, and I still did not get the answers I was looking for (to be honest i didn't look much :o )

Are there many home daycare?
Is it hard to find customers?
what is the price range per child?
do we need a licence?
is it hard to get one?
what are the rules?

Ok i will stop for now, we'll see the answers I get.

talk to you all later :thumbup:

12-20-2012, 05:38 PM
no one has an answer for me :(

Inspired by Reggio
12-20-2012, 07:08 PM
I'd offer to help but I know very little about the rules and regulations in Edmonton :(

12-20-2012, 07:20 PM
I don't know either, I'm sorry! Hopefully someone can help!

12-20-2012, 09:18 PM
well thanx anyways haha

Inspired by Reggio
12-21-2012, 05:03 AM
Have you tried googling licensing standards for Alberta, local provider networks, childcare resource programs or other services that might have the information you need? Here in Ontario for example we have Ontario Early Years Centres ~ they provide support to both parents and caregivers and even offer Home Childcare training supports to help get businesses up and running within the guidelines?

My second hand information understanding is you can have up to 7 children without requiring a license but not sure how that breaks down age wise and if it includes your own children or anything?

My quick google search found this?

As for are there many providers, is it hard to find clients and cost ~ when I was trying to determine supply and demand in my home town I used kijiji and daycarebear and other advertizing sites to search for the number of providers in my area with open space .... if there are hordes advertizing than you know that there is more supply than demand and you can see what the fee range people are charging by their ads, I called up a few in my city and asked for advice for a newbie ~ you would be surprised how helpful fellow providers can be if you just ask ... home childcare providers tend to be very supportive of each other and it will help you to find new people to network with when you do move :wub:

And not saying you would do this but because many do just want to put a public service announcement while doing your research please do not pretend to be a parent to get information on programs cause that is just BAD KARMA to get a providers hopes up about a potential client only for them to eventually clue in that you were just another provider looking for information ~ being open and honest will get you more open and honest answers to get your business up and going better :)