View Full Version : Nap/quiet time "rules"

06-11-2011, 12:22 AM
Needing some advise...currently I have 5 children in care ages 12 months to 4 years...so I need my break!
Here is the current scenario...1 year old in a spare room in playpen, 1 and 2 year old in playpens in the "nap room" while myself and the 2.5 and 4 year old watch a movie with me in my daycare living room. I recently asked my licensing officer for tips and was basically told to put all the kids in the nap room for quiet time and even if it only lasted 15 minutes of me sitting there rubbing backs, playing soft music etc at least all are quiet for a rest time. She insisted my nap room be used for all the kids and not separate them because this is the daycare norm. This means I don't get a break. The 2.5 year old won't nap, he cries hysterically on a nap mat when I try. The 4 year old won't nap so the movie let's me clean up,or do my own thing until the nappers wake up.
So is this really the norm? Do you really rub kids backs and spend your quiet time or break trying to get kids to have a rest? Any advice to get the 2.5 year old to sleep?
Worn out from this!

06-11-2011, 01:01 AM
Ohhhhhh, heck no!!!! :mad:
Around here, EVERYONE under 3 has quiet time for 2 hours after lunch. The kids are in separate rooms (1 in each, in a playpen). The older kids are asked to do quiet activities like reading, puzzles, games, etc. Or this is when I will pop in a movie or turn on the cartoons. To put the child to bed I will make sure that they are fed and watered (lol), change the diaper, and one at a time they go from booster/high chair to sleep areas. They get a quick snuggle/hug/backrub and a little song that I sing for each of them, and then down they go.
Some of them cry at first. But over time they figure out that it's always time for a rest after lunch. I have 2 little ones that ASK to have "seeps" now, haha. The most frustrating thing for me is not getting irritated when one of them wakes early and cries. Some days it wakes the others, and those are not good days.
It is utterly ridiculous that you are asked to give up the only free moments you have to yourself, in order to allow children to never, ever learn to self soothe. And how do they figure this helps all of these small children who are trying to sleep with everyone all bunched up like that?? I have not worked in a large facility, so someone else may be able to offer some more insight; but that is one thing that I did not like/understand about a "day care". How on earth do the kids get proper rest with so many of them all together? I know some of the ladies here have been in those positions, so they can maybe answer that?
Unfortunately, that is the only advice I can give you. I would continue doing what you are doing, unless your licensing agent is saying you MUST have them a certain way. But if she was just "suggesting", it's a suggestion that I would probably ignore.

06-11-2011, 11:04 AM
Ummm...no way is hell would I be doing that! My break time is very precious to me. All children lay down for a rest time and they are in 3 different rooms. Depending on the day, there is anywhere from 1 - 2 kids per room.

Judy Trickett
06-11-2011, 09:01 PM
:laugh: Rub backs............:la ugh:.......yeah, right! And pray tell, just HOW am I supposed to rub FIVE back with only TWO arms????

This is GROUP care - not nanny care.

Put them where YOU want them to sleep. The DNA (in Ontario, anyway) does NOT say that in HOME daycare you have to have them all nap in the same room.

Your licensor is smoking crack!

06-11-2011, 10:29 PM
I have them all in separate rooms (except for my two who share a room) and they ALL have a nap...even my son who just turned 3. I let him stay up later in the evening so that he still has a nap...I NEED that time! I think it is better for the kids as well as me that I am rested and they are rested. In the beginning they cry when going down, but they learn quickly that it is a hug and "night night" and close the door and that's it. Everyone is happier in the afternoon after we've all had our quiet time :)

06-12-2011, 06:02 PM
Everyone in my daycare regardless of age lays down for nap. When I am done my thing - lunch, emails, etc I will check on anyone over age 3 and if they are still awake or now awake - this means usually about 45 min to 1 hour they are down they can then get up and do quiet things especially things not allowed when the babies are up.

06-13-2011, 11:48 PM
I think I will continue what I'm doing and if I get in trouble, appologise later? Lol