View Full Version : Marketplace story on unlicensed daycares

02-21-2013, 01:06 PM
I have been provided with the information (by teh CCPRN here in Ottawa) that Marketplace on CBC is airing a piece on unlicensed daycares on Friday at 8pm on CBC. From the brief description, it will be heavily leaning toward the dangers and horrors to be found in unlicensed home daycares. You can post your comments at the following link to give our side of the story and provide some perspective:


CCPRN has also asked us to ask our daycare parents to post comments about their satisfaction with their unlicensed home daycares. Let's have our voices heard! Who knows, maybe they will air a follow-up with this side of the story. We all know there are some bad daycares out there...but let's not let them scare the public into thinking that we are all like that!:mad:

02-21-2013, 01:12 PM
Sunnydays this was posted yesterday in another thread. Just FYI maybe we can link the 2 discussions.

02-21-2013, 01:22 PM
Oh, sorry! I didn't see it!

02-21-2013, 01:23 PM
Here it ishttp://www.daycarebear.ca/forum/showthread.php/4179-Is-this-story-going-to-turn-into-a-quot-trash-talking-quot-session-for-priv-dayhomes

02-21-2013, 01:25 PM
That's a good idea, I will send my daycare parents a link to comment on it if they watch it on Friday!

02-21-2013, 05:55 PM
DaycareLulu, that's a fantastic idea. I'm sending the link to my dcfamilies too and asking them to comment. I know they are all thrilled to be at my daycare and will have great things to say about quality home daycare.

02-21-2013, 06:29 PM
Exactly! I already sent it to my daycare families and have received positive feedback :)

DaycareLulu, that's a fantastic idea. I'm sending the link to my dcfamilies too and asking them to comment. I know they are all thrilled to be at my daycare and will have great things to say about quality home daycare.

02-21-2013, 06:49 PM
I will do the same:)

02-21-2013, 07:05 PM
hmm thats interestting five pages of comments 90% of which are already saying "shame on you" cbc for being so bias....hmm, I wonder how many comments are going to be there once the story airs?

02-21-2013, 07:47 PM
Guess daycare providers are doing a great job of spreading the word and banding together to fight injustice ;) I am waiting until I watch the show before commenting, but look forward to adding my two cents worth :)

02-21-2013, 07:52 PM
I am also.... I would be interested to see your comment sunny.

02-25-2013, 08:12 PM
I do agree that the program was slightly biased but isn't the underlying message good? Isn't it important to have a set of rules and regulations that everyone needs to follow? I think we all just want to make sure children have the best quality care and not everyone automatically knows what that is. Regulations are set in place based on research and knowledge of child development. Why not just be licensed and tell everyone that that is what it important for our children?

02-25-2013, 08:34 PM
There are rules and regulations to follow. Part of the problem is that the rules have not been updated to keep pace with research and developments and the wheels of government move too slowly to make it happen in a timely manner whereas privately we can read the research and adapt it to our daycare immediately. Removing all 4-5 year olds for full day school now means the ratios do not make sense without them in care. The food requirements make no sense when we are not a headstart type program which assumes kids don't get fed at home - why should I be feeding kids 3/4 of their daily nutrients when I feed one meal and two snacks and parents feed two meals and a bedtime snack - no wonder kids are getting fat.

There is no consensus between provinces as to what is best practice so that comes into play when determing how many children, whether you can even be licensed since in Ontario you can not be. Even a provider that works for an agency is not licensed as such. They are still a private home daycare but are contracted to take children through the agency. It is the agency that is licensed not the provider.