View Full Version : Timing for outdoor play

08-02-2011, 04:56 PM
When do most of you do your outdoor play? I have read a lot of people say they go out in the afternoon after naps. How does this work with pick up? Do you only go out for a short period of time? Do the parents pick up outside?

I'm just curious because I would like to get the kids outside in the afternoon but the few times I have done it it has seemed so hectic. By the time we finish snack, clean up, potty and diaper changes, there isn't much time left before kids start getting picked up. Also, when parents come it seems so busy trying to watch some kids in the yard while trying to get bags from the front door for the ones leaving. I've just resorted to doing outdoor play in the morning but am wondering how others fit it into their schedules.

08-02-2011, 05:08 PM
I do outdoor play in the morning and afternoon. In the morning we head out around 9am till 9:45am. In the afternoon, we have our snack at 3:15 and then get ready to go out after that. I have a basket that I put the kids bags into and that comes out into our backyard with us. I have a sign on my front door, telling parents that we are in the back yard and to come around. They come and grab their bag from the basket and that way I never have to leave the kids, and the parents don't go in my house. Often, we'll do snack outside too. I also have a small basket that I keep my phone, kleenex, first aid, diapers, wipes, and that comes out with me too.

08-02-2011, 07:34 PM
I must say i'm not as organized as "Zen" that's just awsome! We have outdoor play twice a day as well. We usually go to the park at 9:30/10am and after nap at 3:15pm, we sometimes do snack outside and sometimes inside. I try and have snack planned so clean up is a breeze.

Twice a week I plan a picnic lunch either at the park or beach! I am blessed to have the beach within walking distance!

08-02-2011, 07:41 PM
We go out after naptime and stay out till kids are picked up. I put a note on the door and parents meet us in the back yard. By waiting the yard is 3/4 shaded and the grass is dry so much nicer for play. It also means the pockets and cuffs and shoes full of sand go home instead of back into my house. In summer we eat snack outside too. I care for little ones and allow morning naps so this way our routine doesn't need to change. It also means less need for sunscreen and some parents have simply said don't bother. In winter I sometimes let the older ones go out just after lunch if my daughter comes over and then they come in for nap. This way it is the warmest part of the day.

08-02-2011, 08:25 PM
I usually have outside time in the morning (9:30-10) in our back yard (before the sun hits that side of the house). We will sometimes have snack outside as well to make for less mess. We also sometimes go for a walk to the park, or more backyard play after naps, around 3:30-3:45. I try to be back for home time, but sometimes, if we are slow getting to the park, or the kids arejust having too mucvh fun, I will text the parents and they can meet us there for pick ups. (as was the case today) I only have 1 who brought a bag and I bring it just in case. This way there is nothing to go home and get.
I only wish the walk to the park was more shaded as the harsh sun makes me paranoid about them getting sunburnt. :(

08-03-2011, 02:06 AM
Yes zen, you sound very organized. I like the baskets idea. I might have to try this so I don't have to come around to the front of the house to get bags. The only problem them would be if the parents want to look at the whiteboard at the front door for the meal of the day. Maybe I could write it on the fence in chalk since the kids like to write on it anyways!

08-03-2011, 01:19 PM
During the school year we definately go out twice a day. I do school drop off, so from there we either go to the park, on a walk or back home and play outside. And after naps, we go back to school pick up the older kids then come back and have snack outside. This way my house stays clean-I've usually during nap time. As well the older kids get a chance to play together in our yard. Half of my kids leave by 4pm soits not really a long wait. I too have a tray for phone, kleneex, etc.

08-03-2011, 01:53 PM
We go on outings in the morning, to the park usually, in summer and come back just before lunchtime (we are gone from about 9-11). Then after naps and snacks, we head outside again and usually stay there until pick-up time depending on the weather. I take everything we need outside as well including my phone and the kids' bags so that pick-up is easy. Actually, I prefer having them picked up from outside because I don't have to take one child up from the playroom while the rest cry because it isn't their parent. This is, of course, the summer time routine. We can't stay out as long in winter and generally go out mainly in the morning, but sometimes still go out in the afternoon depending on how cold it is.

08-03-2011, 10:49 PM
We go out in the morning and afternoon.... honestly, my kids go squirrley when they cant go outside. Days like today (rained ALL DAY in Oshawa) I find very difficult. Usually, the park as early as possible in the morning before it gets too hot. Depending on how hot and how busy the park gets we take our snack and stay as long as possible, home for a craft and then lunch. Quiet time, snack and then we do the sprinkler in the backyard. I have a sign for the front door to direct parents to the back, usually I have their stuff ready, but if not, the kids are all old enough that I can send them into the house to get their stuff. Sometimes we'll play in the front, sidewalk chalk and such but it gets pretty hot out infront of the house in the afternoon. I dread the days we cant go outside.... like winter... LOL!!!

08-05-2011, 09:43 PM
I think it does depend on what your set-up is, and what time parents are picking up. If I had a bunch of 4pm pick-ups it probably wouldn't work for us to go out after snack.
As it is, we tend to do a short outside playtime in the morning, after snack (so around 10ish). Then we go out after the afternoon snack, around 4ish. I have all the bags, etc at the front door ready to go. Since there is very often someone else out with us, like my hubby or oldest son, I often walk with the parents to the door. Or I will bring all the belongings and the sign-out sheet out with us.
I love being outside playing when parents pick up. It just looks good, you know? See, I promise you that I don't just park your kid in front of the TV! :)

08-05-2011, 10:19 PM
I've gotten outside the past two days in the afternoon and it's actually worked well. I have done the basket idea and it seems a whole lot less hectic than it was before when I tried it. Now I don't have to try to be in two places at once (walking the kids to the door while watching the ones in the back.) I think it looks good too when we're outside although it's a whole lot warmer and there's more sun on us in the afternoon. We don't get out until around 4pm and pickups are between 4:30 and 5pm but it works. The kids love it and that makes me happy!

Sandbox Sally
08-08-2011, 01:49 PM
We go outside twice a day - once from 10am til 11:30 (playground), and again from 3:30 to 4:30 (my back yard). My first pickup is at about 4:45, so sticking close to home works out really well for us in the afternoon.

Sandbox Sally
08-08-2011, 01:53 PM
Oh! And regarding rainy summer days - we stay home, but don't stay inside! I put them in their swim suits and take out buckets and toys! I also like shaving cream in a rubbermaid bin on days like this. We get wet and messy and hose off before we go back inside. FUN.

08-09-2011, 08:46 AM
HI all! Newbie here...but thought I would join in. I like to go out from 830 am until 11 am or so and from 330 until 530 until pick up. In the mornings we go on an outing to various locations or in the winter I take that time to walk the others to school and shovel my driveway and laneway, get garbage out to the road etc while the kids engage in activities I have out for them (I have older kids so they are playing basketball, soccer, hockey, whoola hoops, balls, finding bugs lol or playing group games or just sitting and chilling. Side walk chalk, marble games etc are also popular. I stay out of the suns rays from 12-3 as they are the strongest during that time and it s the hottest time of day. We swim in the summers from 3 or so until about-4 and then get changed for home. I like being outside when parents come cuz then my kids are all engaged in activity and busy and within sight while I speak with parents to say good bye and review anything. It is also easier to say goodbye when outside -especially if im in a rush to close for whatever reason (dinner, sports) then I can bail on them and go inside or in my car and leave and its up to parent to gather child to go...especially if they decide they dont want to go yet ...or have a fit..whatever...I find its just easier if outside at pick up..and its easier outside in general with the resources of nature.

08-11-2011, 05:21 PM
We go outside from 10 am to 11:30 in the mornings only. We used to go outside in the afternoons, but the children would scream and yell when it was time to go home and it was hard on both parents and children. Also the children are very wet from water play and dirty. If the parent is taking them shopping right away, they have to take them to a store wet and dirty. The parents supply crocs and sun hats that stay in the children's cubbies. When they leave, they leave the shoes and hats on the landing. I have a deck box on my deck that contains a change of clothes, suntan lotions, towels and bug sprays, etc so I don't have to carry anything, just take the children outside.

08-11-2011, 07:32 PM
We have outside time in the morning and afternoon. We head out after morning snack around 10 - 10:30 and come in around 11:30 - 11:45 to get ready for lunch. We head back out after the afternoon snack around 3:30 - 4 and stay outside until pick up. Kids get picked up anywhere between 4:15 - 5. I, like some of the pp, have a big sign that goes on my door letting parents know we're outside in the back and to come around. All the bags are outside with us so they grab their bag off the table and leave with their kid. I love outside pick-ups :D

11-04-2011, 05:15 AM
Hi firned,
Good post you have shared here....
Children with a physical disability will often benefit from the wide range of physical activities. A child who finds walking difficult will be able to use the swings and slide, and may be motivated to try to walk more. A child with a visual problem will benefit from the wide range of multisensory experiences provided for young children.

Many activities will benefit those with a learning or developmental delay. For example, there are gross motor activities which SEN children often benefit from, but are more difficult to provide indoors. I have research a lot for my dissertation on outdoor play (http://essayscouncil.com/). Playtime is crucial for every kid. Children express themselves more naturally and spontaneously through outdoor activities. Their playtime can be made more amusing with the right outdoor play toys. The Outdoor Activity Toys for Excellent Play Value If you are looking for a toy that can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Have a good day :)