View Full Version : Water table

02-10-2014, 02:17 PM
I'm looking for ideas on outdoor (spring, summer, fall) sand and water table or just water table. Do you have one that you really like? Is there one you really want? Would you share a link for me? I need ideas and prefer to get something tried and true especially since it's for daycare not just regular home use.

02-10-2014, 02:22 PM
I have a water table and although some people like to use them with sand, I much prefer to have a sandbox. I got my stepdad to build me one and me and the kids much prefer sand play in there. However in the summer we have a sprinkler day once a week and I take out the water table with toys and the sprinkler and the kids love it.

Busy ECE mommy
02-10-2014, 02:41 PM
I find the sand/water table combos are not the greatest if using both sand/water at the same time.
It turns into a muddy mess. I have a separate sandbox and water table. Both are step 2 brand and they've been really durable. Buy used off kijiji or something like that.

02-10-2014, 03:42 PM
Hello:). I too have never like the combo ones...you end up with mud.
I have a separate table for water.
For the sand one I have the step 2
Here is a link to the ones have (bought mine used).

Love that it has a cover (which clamps on), love that it has built in raised roads & an umbrella for shade. Very easy to put together.
I bought the colored sand (Canadian Tire).

02-10-2014, 05:25 PM
We have a combo table that I just use for water. It is a step 2 and I got it off kijiji. They usually go on sale through toys r us for 50% off so keep your eyes peeled for that flyer. I filled the water table every single day last summer and the kids loved it.

Our sand box is separate and is a step 2 crab. It is nice and big so they can all fit around it and has a lid. The kids love it, too.

I am getting my hubby to build us a dirt pit this spring, though, that we can fill with dirt and just dig. I'll still have the sandbox up on the deck, too.

5 Little Monkeys
02-10-2014, 05:30 PM
I use a rubbermaid container (the long kind that fits under beds) for a water table inside. Outside, I have a mini pool that can be used on it's own or attached to the slide on the structure. I just use it on it's own. I had a water table (can't remember the brand, it was just a cheap one from Zellers) but I found they didn't really play with it. So I sold it and now just put them in their bathing suits and let them play in the pool or around the yard.

I have a small yard and have a big play structure, the pool, a diego ship, picnic table and than of course all the toys and ride on's. I unfortunately don't have room for a sandbox (oh darn! lol) but thankfully 3 playgrounds are super super close so we just walk to them and play.

02-14-2014, 08:00 AM
Does anyone have the Step 2 splash n scoop bay table? Reviews please

02-14-2014, 08:41 AM
I have that one. The kids really like it. I've never used it for sand. Just water, and sometimes a pretend car wash with soap on one side.

02-14-2014, 11:39 AM
I keep the sand and water separate. Often the little ones are in the sand more and the older ones are using the water. The water is just a low under the bed storage bin I put on the wooden bench with about 2 inches of water in it - just enough to scoop.