View Full Version : Just to need let it out

04-14-2014, 02:45 PM
I'm feeling very anxious, agitated, tired, tired, add anything else in you want. I haven't had a full house since last June. Lost another one last Sept. Losing two more this summer. Only been able to replace one. I hate having only 3. It's boring. I'm going to Daycare Provider classes through Early Learning Years. I'm involved with dog training. My husband is disabled, and it's getting worse. He's sleeping a lot more. Snoring is driving me crazy because it reminds me how tired I am and he's the one sleeping (not his fault I know) I just want to give up and hide. Even week-ends are shopping and errands and one day to myself. I'm wondering if I'm to old for this??? I love what I do, I'm just tired. I don't want to work for someone else and then maybe get laid off or something after six months. Oh and did I tell you I'm TIRED! Thanks for listening.

04-14-2014, 04:09 PM
I'm feeling very anxious, agitated, tired, tired, add anything else in you want. I haven't had a full house since last June. Lost another one last Sept. Losing two more this summer. Only been able to replace one. I hate having only 3. It's boring. I'm going to Daycare Provider classes through Early Learning Years. I'm involved with dog training. My husband is disabled, and it's getting worse. He's sleeping a lot more. Snoring is driving me crazy because it reminds me how tired I am and he's the one sleeping (not his fault I know) I just want to give up and hide. Even week-ends are shopping and errands and one day to myself. I'm wondering if I'm to old for this??? I love what I do, I'm just tired. I don't want to work for someone else and then maybe get laid off or something after six months. Oh and did I tell you I'm TIRED! Thanks for listening.

Hey Samantha, I'm 50 and I don't think that I'm too old for this, at least not most days! Lol. We all go through ruts sometimes, actually that happened to me a few months ago. I think because it was winter and we were cocooning, I wasn't really going out for anything but running daycare errands. My hubby wasn't working so we weren't going out or doing much of anything for ourselves. Now with the sun coming out I feel much more with it. Maybe you could pamper yourself in some way?

With daycare it's either feast or famine. You just never know when another client is going to come around the corner! Could you maybe do some different type of advertising like maybe at the local school. Do they have a preschool there that may let you advertise? I got a lot of my contacts through the preschool at my local school.

5 Little Monkeys
04-14-2014, 04:55 PM
I feel for you! You are going through a stressful time and when you are running on little sleep, it all gets to you so much worse!

I also am always tired!! I am lucky if I get 5-6 hours a night as I usually get 4-5. It's a combination of things but my other half also snores! If he wears his snore guard it's not as bad. Some people think this is weird but we often sleep in different rooms. We have to or else We get no sleep!!! He snores and I toss and turn like crazy due to back pain. We try not to do it too often but every 2nd or 3rd night we have to sleep separately. I also wear ear plugs every night now and that has really helped. Maybe this would work for you too?

Make sure you are taking at least an hour a day to do something you enjoy! Are you able to shop on a weeknight so your weekends are free to do something fun or even just to stay home and relax?

I hate the times when I have to fill a spot or spots and there are no takers so I understand that stress! I hope you are able to fill the spots soon!

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming......:)

04-14-2014, 05:14 PM
Oh the night snoring doesn't keep me up. Separate rooms. It during the day and evening when I want to nap he's laying down snoring.

5 Little Monkeys
04-14-2014, 06:27 PM
Oh ok....well that's good you can sleep at night tho! Hopefully you can get a nap in!

04-14-2014, 06:50 PM
Samantha33 big hugs to you.
OK ladies who have hubbies with snoring issues. I usually wound up on the couch most nights because of my hubbys snoring. He went to the doctor and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. He uses the C-Pac machine now and I seriously wanted to sing from the roof tops.....NOT A SOUND. At first I checked him a lot at night as I thought he had left the bed or had died it was that quiet!!!

Yup, the machine does take getting used to. It has helped his health tremendously. He has more energy, better mood and he is off the blood pressure medication.

Do yourself and your hubby a favour and look into this. He will have to go to the sleep clinic for 1 night. If he isn't keen just promise him the world (usually sex) and see if he will go. It will help both of you health wise and you will stop feeling like you want to smother him in the middle of the night!!

5 Little Monkeys
04-14-2014, 07:03 PM
LOL mimi!!

Good for you to go to the couch!! I am a big meanie and kick him out of the bed if he is snoring too loud! He usually leaves before then though because he can't sleep when I'm always hitting him during my tossing and turning haha. We're quite the sleeping pair! At home, he just sleeps in the spare bed but when we are at a hotel or someone's house, it's usually a restless night for both of us!

He's been to the doctor to check for sleep apnea and nothing came of it. I should make him go again just to double check!!

04-14-2014, 07:40 PM
5LM, it is awful when you can't get a decent sleep and I definitely need my 7 to 8 hrs. You don't have to have sleep apnea to get the machine.
The thing is, snorers don't realize how bad they feel until they do get a good deep sleep and then they realize how bad the quality of sleep they were getting.
Good luck!

5 Little Monkeys
04-14-2014, 08:06 PM
Ooh that is good to know! Thanks!

04-14-2014, 10:42 PM
Ha ha, similar issues here years ago. My husband got a sleep apnea machine as well and a huge change!! We also went from sleeping in separate rooms to now sleeping together all the time.

It may sound weird but since my husband and I have been juicing I have been sleeping way better. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but ya never know. It is working so I am not going to complain.