View Full Version : Is this normal for a private dayhome?

05-21-2014, 04:43 PM
Hi! I just wanted to ask if this is normal for a private dayhome? For our almost 2 months stay at this dayhome, i'ts been really a headache for us.

For 2 months staying there we had lots of missed days in the dayhome because of several incidences: Texting us really late that she can't make it because she was sick (ok this is still fine but twice or thrice happening...kinda not good anymore); telling us that it's better for our baby to stay home first to make sure she is ok already (she said she is having diarrhea the day before but never we saw any from her poop everytime she says it and we even went to the doctor for it but there's really none), the worst which we think is really unacceptable is texting us that she has an appointment the next day in strathmore (35 to 45mins away from our place) . SHe asked us if she can bring althea but ofcourse we said no since its too far. We do not know what kind of appointment she had at Strathmore, but if this was during the time when she is also expected to look after the kids, a back up plan would have been appropriate. Then, she was still paid for the day, when in fact, it shouldn't have been. That was her personal appointment, had nothing to do with us, and expected to have been done outside "daycare" hours. We would have been more understanding if she had a plan B or if she had offered to give us a refund, knowing that most parents will not be willing to have their children brought somewhere else. This has nothing to do with the money but just to point out where it could have been dealt better with. It was not a "daycare" activity. So is bringing our baby to Costco, etc., which is like doing her personal business in the office/work.

(knowing we already paid for this - paid for a month). With all these we were left scrambling for another baby sitter, and having additional costs. =(

We just think that this is too much for us. Because of these incidence we decided to terminate her service. We kinda actually needed her explanation with all these issue we said but her reply is for her its pointless already and she just asked for the money (800bucks) 1 month since as per her contract she needs 1 month advance notice which we failed to do so. She didn't care with everything we said and stick to the payment asking us to pay before 6pm end of the day. (really demanding with no consideration and didn't addressed our concern just wants the money in a hurry).

Is this normal? Is there any gov't organizations we can say our complain? Thanks!

05-21-2014, 05:07 PM
I'm sorry you had a really bad experience, but that's why parents should interview several home daycares and make sure they choose one with a reputable caregiver. Call references next time and make sure you check into the caregiver. Look around the home for dangerous spots and ask a ton of questions. There are great ones and there are bad ones, we all know that. But we don't have her side of the story here, so I won't make judgements.

From what you have said, no she doesn't sound like she was reliable and ready to work every day for you. We have to be considerate of our clients at all times and we do expect our clients to respect and appreciate us, but we have to deserve it!

You are within your rights to terminate and find a new caregiver and I hope you will be more careful, but you signed a contract and it will hold up in a court of law. Also, you might want to be careful about putting her daycare name in print because you don't want to get sued for slander.

05-21-2014, 05:23 PM
ok thanks appreciate it! :):)

but is there like a site where we can comment or review or give a feedback to a private dayhome? Just so other families won't experience this anymore.

Or is there any government agencies where we can say these issues we experience in a private dayhome?

Yes this a big lesson for us. For sure we are really going to be careful next time and not to trust any verbal aggreements and always stick on what is written on the paper contract. At the end of the day it will sure bite your ass.

08-19-2014, 09:02 AM
...but is there like a site where we can comment or review or give a feedback to a private dayhome? Just so other families won't experience this anymore. .

I'd be very wary of doing this. Although I do understand that part of your incentive is as a public service, another part of the incentive is you are quite rightly annoyed and want this business to fail.

Unfortunately, a negative review can of course have a direct impact on a business income however, it's very subjective as to what constitutes bad service. Although with the information you have stated, it seems very cut and dry, I am sure the provider might have a different assessment of the situation. If you are going to write anything, be sure you can back it up with documentation - not hear say. If she goes after you for slander, your written words might come back and bite you on the butt unless you can prove your version of events in a court of law.

Just as you are wishing to hold her accountable for her actions by providing a review of her service to potential customers, you too will be accountable for the lost business income she incurs due to your comments. Be careful what you wish for as accountability goes two ways.

Or is there any government agencies where we can say these issues we experience in a private dayhome?.

Potentially. The term "private dayhome" has different meanings across the country. Here in NS, is means an in-home day care provider who may or may not be registered with an agency. Depending on status, we have different elements of the NS Day Care Regulations which we must comply with. A registered private dayhome must follow more of the legislation than an unregistered and therefore a registered provider who is failing in her duty of care, can be reported to the supervising agency who will investigate the claims and might revoke her status. However, depending on their findings, they might also simply provide her with additional support/training to rectify the issues.

Yes this a big lesson for us. For sure we are really going to be careful next time and not to trust any verbal aggreements and always stick on what is written on the paper contract. At the end of the day it will sure bite your ass.

Yes this a big lesson for us. For sure we are really going to be careful next time and not to trust any verbal aggreements and always stick on what is written on the paper contract. At the end of the day it will sure bite your ass

This is the ONLY way to deal with ANY service provider. Trust but verify. Any provider (day care, plumber, contractor, music instructor) has to be checked out. This is basic common sense. If a provider says they have CPR and First aid, ask to see the certification. If a builder says they are a member of a quality association, ask to see proof!

And a contract is ALL you have to spell out an agreement.

We would all like our lives never to have a situation where one party feels they didn't quite get what they wanted. Provider as well as clients, feel ripped off when the agreement becomes something different than understood initially. It's only when things go wrong, that the contract becomes invaluable. Without a written document which fully details the agreement, all you have is a verbal agreement which neither side can prove. It's a he-said, she said situation.

Your contract should have (as a minimum)...

Your name and address, then name and address of your provider - i.e. who the agreement is between.
What it is for - children care services for what child starting when.
Hours of business, any special agreement you have reached regarding extended hours, fees, fees schedule/when payment is due, what happens if you are late picking up after closing - is there a late collection fee? How much?
What is provided for those fees and just as importantly what you are expect to provide.
The days your child is registered for care, if those fees are due when your child is absent, if those fees are due for any provider sick days/vacation, the max number of provider paid days he/she will take, notice of vacation that she will provide so you can find alternative care, under what circumstances will your child be excluded from day care (diarrhoea, fever, vomiting) and for how long they will be excluded and if you are expect to pay, under what circumstances will the provider terminate the agreement on-the-spot (parent being abusive to provider or other children/family members, non-payment, persistent late pick ups), how much notice either party has to provide to terminate for other reasons, amount of notice provided for a fee change. And then, make sure both parties sign it and you have a signed copy for your own records/reference.

08-19-2014, 09:20 AM
I agree completely with what the others have said.

First of all we have not heard her side of the story so my response is based solely on your side. You definitely need to find a provider who is reliable. I have heard of a lot of provider's who are not. It bothers me that other's don't take their business seriously as it gives the rest of us who do a bad name. If you cannot be flexible then you should look at a licenced centre. For myself I rarely take sick time even though there are some days I sure wish I did. I post my holidays 6 months ahead of time. I realize that other's are not like that though and that is always a risk in going with a daycare who only has 1 provider.

As for the diarrhea. I too had a child with constant diarrhea. Mom kept telling me it never happened at home. I didn't get it. This poor kid pooped some days 6 times here - all a disgusting mess. I started calling mom and sending her home after 3 (as per my sick policy). It wasn't too long until mom found a new daycare. I tried working with her. I was certain it was some sort of food allergy or lactose intolerance SOMETHING. It was not normal. Mom said it never happened at home. Who knows. All I know is I am happier not having to change that nasty bum all day long although I really miss the little one.

As far as taking your child to her appointment. That is a tough one. I myself have taken children with me places. I would say if she didn't give you lots of notice that she should have refunded your money that day. I see nothing wrong with taking a child to Costco or shopping. I too have done this although I don't very often (more just because I don't have a vehicle big enough for the car seats).

You signed a contract stating you need to give one months notice. So because you didn't you still need to pay her regardless of why you are leaving. Just pay her and move on. What you see as not acceptable (taking a child to her appointment) and what other's see as not acceptable are two different things.

For your next provider make sure and ask more questions.

5 Little Monkeys
08-19-2014, 09:39 AM
2-3 sick days in 2 months is a lot IMO, however it could have just been bad timing. Maybe she won't have another one all year? I try not to close if I'm sick unless it's highly contagious but I also have my fiancé home until he goes in for his evening shift so he can help out if need be. I try to follow my own sick policy because I don't think it's fair to expect parents too yet I stay open and expose their child to my illness.

I take children on errands with me when I have 2 or less. I always ask if this is okay and I've never had a parent have an issue with it. They know I add in something fun (like a park or mcd's play structure) and take them out for lunch so the kids always have fun anyways.

I do think taking a child out of town for a personal appt is not something I would do but I also don't think it would make me pull my child. I would definitely talk to her about it and let her know your concerns though. If she continued to do things knowing I was against them, then I would look for another provider at that time.

Sounds like you two had different ideas of what home daycare should be so I would suggest asking more questions when looking for another provider and making sure your both on same page