View Full Version : Length of contract??

Emma H
02-27-2015, 02:26 PM
Hi everyone!
I was thinking about changing my contract to a year-long contract as in the past families have left within 3-4 months right after their kid was finished transitioning and it's not something I want to do anymore unless it's at least a year long stay with me. Is this the right thing to do or do you think families will give me trouble about this?

02-27-2015, 02:33 PM
I personally think it's a great idea to have an end date for any contract. You can make changes for the renewal next time. I would think that would be easier for parents to understand rather than changing costs or conditions in the middle. Also, if you were going to put an end date on it, it doesn't have to be a year. You could do a transition period for all new children (3-4 months.) If things don't work out for you, you don't have to terminate them, you just don't renew.

5 Little Monkeys
02-27-2015, 02:37 PM
I had one family use me for a month (ya ya, I know I got paid so they didn't technically "use" me but you know what I mean!) until the moms friend opened up a hdc. They didn't share this piece of info with me when I signed them on so it annoyed me. Not much you can do though....it's understandable that people will look out for themselves first!

I now ask during the interview, face to face, if this is a long term plan for them. If it's short term that is sometimes fine too but I like to have an idea of how long a family plans on staying if everything works out nicely. If they were to find they didn't like it here of course I'd expect them to leave sooner though!

02-27-2015, 02:58 PM
I think OP is asking family's to comit for a year. I don't know if many/any would do this. They may have plans to have another child, may loose their job, may not like you/your program, their child may not adjust well. As a parent I would not comit for more than a month on paper (which is the notice I require from families) but I would usually know in my head e.g. they will stay until school or until Aug when baby #2 comes etc

02-27-2015, 04:31 PM
I don't know how it works in Ontario, but in Que. our contracts must follow the Consumer Protection Act. The parent is the consumer, we are the service provider. Even if the contract is for 12 months, as the consumer, all the parent is required to do is send a written notice to us to cancel. The cancellation is effective when they say, even immediately. Many HCPs ask for 2 weeks notice, but they cannot demand it.

Realistically, I don't know that you could make someone remain in the contract, if they wanted to leave. Eg. if their job transfered them to another city.

Sorry, I know I'm being negative, I just think this is one part of this business that sucks and there isn't a lot we can do about it.

Emma H
02-27-2015, 04:51 PM
I just feel like if it's on paper it may be taken more "seriously" rather than just mentioning it but I know that I cant really do much to make someone stay :glare: lol (seems like we cant really do much in this business)
and I think mentioning that the deposit would be non-refundable if they do decide to break it would hopefully steer some away from leaving, at least that's what I'm hoping for! but at the same time I don't want to scare away potential clients by placing them in a locked 12-month term so I don't know how to feel I just would never transition a screaming baby to have it for few months

02-27-2015, 04:59 PM
I just would never transition a screaming baby to have it for few months

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by that.

Emma H
02-27-2015, 05:04 PM
upset babies that cry the majority of the day when they are here and once they become familiar with their surroundings (stop crying and start playing with other kids and actually like coming here) end up leaving after a month or 2,3.. just doesn't seem worth it

02-27-2015, 05:15 PM
Thanks. Oh, really? That really does suck! Now that you've mentioned it, last year I had one like that. She was here for 9 months, but still, screamed when I moved 5 feet away from her the whole time. If she was in the kitchen and other parents would walk in in the morning and I would go to the door to greet them and sceammmmm! It's literaly 10 ft away.

I really don't know how you could fix that situation. From what you've said before, your daycare sounds great, organic food and bilingual? Did I get that right?

Emma H
02-27-2015, 06:27 PM
Ugh I hate that because it makes the other kids upset! I have one 16 month old who cries every morning (no tears ever!) but stops as soon as dad leaves.

02-28-2015, 06:25 PM
You will have tough job making parent commit to staying for a year and even if your contact is for a year, you will have tough job enforcing it. Not like a lease agreement where someone rent for a year and is obligated to pay rent even if they break lease.

Parent have babies in less time that an year and have mat leave. They not always able to pay for day care when Mom not earning. People lose jobs. Client move away.

To have annual contact with intent of re-issue end of year with any policy change or price change is different. But to have yearly contact to force client to stay for year not realistic.

They must have ability to give notice and leave - also you too tied to contact. You might have problem client or child or you might have change in circumstance meaning move or closed. If your contacts such that client have to commit for year with no way out, you too have to commit for same time.

I don't think any parent can promise to remain for year because life changes. I don't think peoples will sign

Emma H
02-28-2015, 06:31 PM
Well for the families I have right now they had no problem signing a one year contract. I just had an interview today and the parents wanted to come to my daycare. I also told them they had to sign a one year contract, there was no issue. If I give 2 weeks per year for free vacation and you use up your vacation before your year is up or you leave and break the contract then you don't get your deposit back. So far it has been going perfect and I am happy with my decision :)