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Conversation Between Sandbox Sally and amber

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Alphaghetti!

    I appreciated the advice you left on a post of mine, and some other responses you've given in this forum. Do you mind if I pick your brain? I see we're in the same part of Ontario, so maybe you've run into the same probs I have at some point.
    I'm a newbie, and I've still got lots to learn about this whole process!
    I was chatting with another worker, and she thought I had spread myself too thin in the age group I've taken in. My kids range from 21 months to 6 years old- most are 2 or 4. I've also only got part time kids, so every day is a different mix. I love the idea of taking in younger kids so I actually get a break of some kind, but having so many under 3 makes me nervous. How do you do it? Also, do you find having that many children every day is less stressful in the end because of the consistancy factor?
    I know we're all crazy busy, so any chance you get to give your two cents would be appreciated!
    Thanks again,
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