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  1. #1

    How are you handling Covid-19? Stay open? Or Close?

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering what other Home Daycares are doing with the Covid-19 pandemic? Are you closing or staying open? If you close are you refunding for fees paid?

  2. #2
    Starting to feel at home...
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    14 Times in 14 Posts
    Another thread just reported that home daycares can stay open. So I"m open as long as we're all feeling healthy and no symptoms of the virus. I sent one child home yesterday who was coughing the day before and his mom said he was coughing at night.

  3. #3
    I’ve decided to stay open as well, as long as everyone is healthy and I am able to. Really taking it day by day. I

  4. #4
    I am staying open as well for now. I am being really strict with sick policy and keeping things as cleans as possible.
    So, because I am open, parents have to pay whether the child comes or not. So far I have 1 family staying home until April 5 and I feel bad to tell them they have to pay, but also, I am open and holding that spot. Tricky situation none of us have had to deal with before!
    One of my reasons for staying open at this point is my parents are still working (from home or going in). I figure I will stay open until the govt mandates closures
    Last edited by CLS; 03-20-2020 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #5
    I am at home

  6. #6
    At home too So tired!!!

  7. #7
    Staying home is the way to go lol while you at it I can recommend to play some slot games. To know how to start and where to go look into this infographic. Hope it will conquer your boredom and bring some joy!

  8. #8
    Banned Shy
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by CLS View Post
    I am staying open as well for now. I am being really strict with sick policy and keeping things as cleans as possible.
    So, because I am open, parents have to pay whether the child comes or not. So far I have 1 family staying home until April 5 and I feel bad to tell them they have to pay, but also, I am open and holding that spot. Tricky situation none of us have had to deal with before!
    One of my reasons for staying open at this point is my parents are still working (from home or going in). I figure I will stay open until the govt mandates closures
    Tell us how your openness policy has changed so far. I am very worried about the new British strains. it is said to have many more complications. My husband and I started working remotely this year. Therefore, we preferred to distance ourselves as much as possible from direct communication. I try to carry out additional cleaning measures at home. We have become more active in the backyard pool. There is the widest selection of products for gentle pool cleaning now. I prefer the children's indoor pool instead of the chlorine-cleaned public pool. This way I reduce the load on their lungs.

  9. #9
    I can say one thing: don't listen to idiots, get vaccinated.

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