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  1. #1
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    Please don't judge my daycare by the state of my house

    Not sure if this is the right section but I just wanted to put it out there that if you as a parent should pop in to pick up your child a bit early (which isn't really a problem and I understand the need sometimes to come in unexpected, I would do the same) and you see that as the kids are all finishing snack the house looks a mess (toys, crafts, not dirt) and there are dirty dishes in the sink, please realize that instead of cleaning, your provider has been caring for your child. I think we all know as mothers that we cannot do it all and if you give your full attention to a child/ren, then something's got to give.

    I had a mom pick up early yesterday and then ask to use the change table. The child must have JUST pooped because I had just changed him but she made it seem like I had missed it. To use the change table she had to come into the house a bit and it was a crazy time of day and she looked a little shocked. The washroom is also my laundry room and, having thought I was done the diaper changes for the day, I had just dumped a pile of laundry on the floor and the room had not yet been cleaned since I do that at the end of the day. Anyway, it could have been tidier and I just got the feeling from the mom that she was shocked/disappointed.

    So I just wanted to say to parents of children in daycare that that one snapshot you see of your provider's home may look totally different from the clean, organized house you saw in the interview/tour but please remember what really matters and that is if your child is delivered to you safe, happy, tired from a busy day, and happy to come again. Frankly a pristine house really is not possible with 5 toddlers running around, and you should be a little worried about your provider's priorities if there house is always immaculate.

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  3. #2
    Expansive... Play and Learn's Avatar
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    ^ Especially when you DON'T have a dishwasher and wash dishes by hand!!!!!! That one gets me everytime!

    We're human, and like you said, we have other priorities like CARING for YOUR children!

    Well said mustbenuts!

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  5. #3
    Euphoric ! kidlove's Avatar
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    I think this is part of the reason providers (as well as stay at home Mom's) can get a hassle sometimes by those who JUST DON'T KNOW! (unfortunately my husband falls into that category along with a few of my daycare parents.) Just wish some time I could give the job to the one pointing the finger and see how well they do what we do. Oh man I would love to see them keep under wraps, the cooking, cleaning, scrubbing, washing, tidying.....along with the holding, snuggling, scolding, feeding, changing, wiping, burping, teaching...etc. and have the outcome at the end of the day we mostly have, which is a hot dinner on the table, floors picked up, vacuumed, and washed, laundry done and put away, sink empty, counters clean and kids happy. Even when I worked my job around the house was about 15 times easier, think about it these parents don't have a clue what we deal with on a daily basis. Sure they have to do all the chores before and after work, but while they are at work no one comes into their house and dirties every dish, pees on their floors, takes out every toy, and fills the laundry room with rags filled with spilled milk and feces. Until then, keep your "looks of disappointment" to yourself.

  6. #4
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    I agree! My front door opens right into my kitchen and there always is something on the counter and dishes in the sink waiting to go in the dishwasher. I feel like the parents must be judging me, although no one has said anything.
    Actually, I think my parents are fine with a little bit of mess because they always mention that they don't know how I handle so many young kids at once!
    Last edited by Bookworm; 11-01-2012 at 02:18 PM.

  7. #5
    Euphoric ! kidlove's Avatar
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    My favorite is when a husband comes home and sees everything the way it was when he left in the morning and says to his wife...."what did you do all day, while I was at work?" Around here The house is clean before the first kid gets out of bed and comes through the front door, then? complete and total ruine!!!! for about 10 hours straight.....then? sweat to cleanup and vwala, for a temporary time, the house is back in original shape.....for all those who only saw the beginning state to return again with the big question of "what did you do all day"........oh nothing, ate bon bons and watched soap operas.

  8. #6
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    I think it also bothered me because yesterday was our Halloween party so it was even busier than usual with me trying to give them a special day. And of course the extra crafts and activities create extra mess. I just think parents should be grateful that we do so much with their kids and that all the mess stays HERE so they can go home and enjoy their child knowing they have had a busy, stimulating day. I was horrified that she saw my house like that but really, it is what it is.

  9. #7
    Euphoric ! Dreamalittledream's Avatar
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    I have posted a wall stencil at my entrance "Please excuse the mess, the children are making memories". As well, I have it in my intro letter how having children opened my eyes to so many things that take priority over the house having to always be spotless.
    Children are great imitators.
    So give them something great to imitate.


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  11. #8
    Euphoric !
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    A big issue is that many of the daycare moms are first time parents meaning their house is basically used only by two adults who aren't home all day and a baby who is there for a short time. What they have no experience with is what their home will look like after that sweet baby turns 15 months and things dumping, ripping, climbing are all fun things to do.

  12. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to playfelt For This Useful Post:

  13. #9
    Euphoric ! kidlove's Avatar
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    My sister has a plaque that hangs in her dinning room that reads: You missed it I cleaned yesterday! She doesn't mind "clutter".

  14. #10
    Starting to feel at home...
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    So true! The mess in my house bothers me sometimes, but most of the time I am not bothered by it because as most of you said, I return the kids home happy and well taken care of.
    I also love the quote "cleaning a house with children is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos"

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