Starting to feel at home...
Should i go back to work?
Here is the deal? Back in august i was having one of my moments where i wanted to go back to my old work (working at a daycare) my husband hate me having the daycare at home but really i dont mind it. Sometimes i want to pull out my hair. My old boss had contacted me saying that thier could be a possible spot for me to come back in the new yr. I talk to the girls there who work there and they are all nice but drama. I just dont know if i want a boss again.
Well, I am wondering, aside from your husband not liking the daycare at home (which does have to be taken into account as it is his home too), what is making you want to go back? Seeing as you will be still doing daycare, but doing it in a centre, I am wondering what benefits are tempting you to go back? My understanding is that you don't get paid a lot as a daycare worker in a centre, so would you be better or worse off financially? Is it because you miss having co-workers? Benefits? I guess if I were you I would do a pros and cons list and really think about why you are doing what you are doing. Also, you will need to talk to your husband about all the pros and cons of each and get his feedback as it affects him too.
 Originally Posted by sweetness852010
Here is the deal? Back in august i was having one of my moments where i wanted to go back to my old work (working at a daycare) my husband hate me having the daycare at home but really i dont mind it. Sometimes i want to pull out my hair. My old boss had contacted me saying that thier could be a possible spot for me to come back in the new yr. I talk to the girls there who work there and they are all nice but drama. I just dont know if i want a boss again.
It isn't just the having a boss part to consider. There is the issue of is it financially viable to go or to stay too. By the time you subtract daycare for your own children will you make the same take home pay. It also depends on why you left in the first place. If it was work related issues have those been resolved or would you be walking back into the same problems. Mostly it is a list the pros and cons thing and then on each side circle the three most important ones. Then if the pro list looks more positive then go for it and if the con list looks more logical then you stay put at least for now.
Also be sure you have given the home daycare a chance so you will know if you ever want to go back to it.
Starting to feel at home...
This is a tough one - if you don't mind me asking, why/what does your husband hate about you running a home daycare ? I think every caregiver here will agree that we all have days where we want to pull our hair out - or steal a child's soother and use it ourselves - but what job doesn't have those kind of moments ? =) How long have you been running your own daycare ? It can take some time to "find your groove" - be kind and patient with yourself. My first year was really hard - I had to figure out (sometimes the hard way) how much I could give without burning out, what hours I could work without being exhausted, and what rate to charge so that I felt I was being fairly compensated. Why don't you take a minute and write yourself a list of what you like about running your own daycare, and then make a second list of what you would like working outside of the home. It might help you identify what's bugging you. I chose to start up my home daycare, because I didn't want to deal with office drama either. I also like having the control of my income - if I want more money, I take on an additional child - no worries about shifts being cancelled or seasonal layoffs. =) I also like the freedom of not having to deal with a supervisor who quibbles with you over the silly stuff - like when you need to book an afternoon off to go to the dentist. That's me, though. Only you can decide what environment makes you the happiest. Good luck sorting it out, and let us know what you decide. =)
Starting to feel at home...
 Originally Posted by sunnydays
Well, I am wondering, aside from your husband not liking the daycare at home (which does have to be taken into account as it is his home too), what is making you want to go back? Seeing as you will be still doing daycare, but doing it in a centre, I am wondering what benefits are tempting you to go back? My understanding is that you don't get paid a lot as a daycare worker in a centre, so would you be better or worse off financially? Is it because you miss having co-workers? Benefits? I guess if I were you I would do a pros and cons list and really think about why you are doing what you are doing. Also, you will need to talk to your husband about all the pros and cons of each and get his feedback as it affects him too.
i think im thinking i want to go back because of my husband. And because of me missing my my co worker. I had left because i had my second child and i didnt think we could afford daycare. I dont think im going to take it because she told me my pay would be just above min wage because im not a resgistered ece. ( i took an ece that wasnt reconized). Plus she told me that the person that is leaving wants to stay on the payroll so she would want to come back during the summer. My old boss says she would figured it out when that happens. She also offered subsity for my daughter. Uggg why me?
Maybe if you show your husband how much less money you will be bringing home, plus the fact that you will likely be laid off in the summer by the sounds of it, he will see home daycare in a more positive light? I had a good government job (a whole lot more than minimum wage) before I opened my daycare, but we are better off financially now because we don't have to pay for two kids in daycare plus my gas, parking, meals out, work clothing, etc etc etc. You have to take all this into account.
Starting to feel at home...
maybe it was the adult conversation
i myself have been thinking of going back to work, yet the financial aspect is hard to swallow. i have 2 toddlers, ages 2 and 3, so taking them to daycare won't cut it.
as to husband, i don't know what is yours like, but mine sometimes drives me nuts. he gets upset if he step on toys in the living room, and i just roll my eyes.
or he himself is like a kid who needs constant reminder to put his gloves in the bin or put your shoes on the side, not in the middle of the hallway. I feel that my husband is like a 6th kid in the house, thus if I am at work, I don't have to put up with this.
plus i miss the adult conversation, the 15 min coffee break, which is really a break.
i love being in the daycare business, since i love being with kids or around kids for that matter. my background is being a live in nanny, to private nanny, daycare worker, then having my own business, so it is a natural progression.
But I hear you sister...........it can be a emotionally draining career when my husband is not supportive about it.
prepare a worksheet of how much you save on daycare for this year.
that i did to my sweetie, and he save, "oh sweetie-thank you for staying home!".
And I said, "it will really make me happy sweetie if you remember to put your shoes in the shoe rack". And i'm praying that it sticks in his head.
good luck and hope you will find the best / at least viable solution to work or run a business daycare. Angie
If they whine, give them cheese. If they're not hugable, hug yourself. (me)
Euphoric !
Agreed ~ time to sit down with your two budgets one working outside of the home and one working inside the home and compare which is the better financial choice and than sit down and do the pros and cons reality of all the OTHER issues between being employed verses self employed and make a SHARED decision you can both be happy with!
There are times when my husband 'muses' about life without the daycare however at this point in our life THIS is the best place for me to be!
Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
Loris Malaguzzi
Follow your heart, do what's best for you and your family and best of luck with your decision. The answer is simple for me, I don't ever want to have a boss again, but we are all different.
Frederick Douglass
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
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