I think we all know the feeling of having to explain a bump to a parent and worrying they will think we didn't do all we could to prevent it. It was an accident so try not to beat yourself up!
I had a HUGE scare one day!! My basement stairs have a wall on one side and then half a wall on the other side. We had a banister but no railings. We were going downstairs and I was in front watching them come down. I stand half way down, where the wall ends on one side. All had passed me and were safely on the floor. My dcg who was about 18 months at the time was the last to come down. She was coming down the stairs on her tummy, feet first. This was how she always came down the stairs, did it this way at home too. She got too close to the edge and stopped to peer over. Just as I was about to say "no, we don't do that in case we fall"....she fell!!!! I was close enough to her that I was able to grab her foot but she was hanging upside down over my concrete basement floor!! My stomach still gets sick when I think about what could have happened! I told mom about it and she kinda laughed and said it wouldn't be her first fall......I don't think she fully realized what happened or what could have happened!
I kept meaning to fix our stair situation but just never got around to it. (terrible, I know!!) Then unfortunately, this past November a hdc in my city had an accident where a child fell down the stairs and diedThat weekend we installed spindles and a top of the stairs swinging gate!!