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  1. #1
    apples and bananas

    Re doing my policies... need some feedback

    I'm re doing my policies. How do you define diarrhea?

    Right now I have " can not be contained in a diaper and have had several loose poops in a short period of time "

    It's vague... what do you use in your contract? 2 poops an hour?

    Also, what is your policy on life threatening injury's. 911 is obviously is the first one called. Will they take a child by ambulance with out an adult present? Should I put something in there like " the child will be transported to the hospital by ambulance and a parent will be required to meet them there" ?

    Thanks for your feedback.

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    Be careful of putting too many details into your policies because you are then bound by the rules too in the sense of you lose flexibility - two runny poops plus a feeling child isn't well could be grounds to go home if you know others in care have also been sick as in not likely the cause is anything other than the bug going around. Same for emergencies. Just putting in that you will call 911 to have child transported to hospital and then parent will be called. If parent can go to hospital fine and if not it is their job to find someone else. My point is to include only the basics in your policies as rules so that you can interpret when you need to while making them secure enough that a parent knows where they stand but not so rigid your hands are tied.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to playfelt For This Useful Post:

  4. #3
    apples and bananas
    Perfect playfelt.... exactly what I needed to hear.

  5. #4
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    This is my emergency policy:

    Medical Emergencies
    In case of serious accident or sudden illness requiring medical attention, the following procedures are followed:

    Call 911

    Parents or emergency contacts are called.
    Child will be sent to local hospital.

    Parents will be responsible for all costs involved in emergency treatment including emergency transportation and equipment if required.

    I will authorize only medical care that is serious enough that it must be administered immediately and cannot wait until the parent/emergence contact arrives.

    The parent/emergence contact must meet the child at the hospital as I have other children in my care and can not go to the hospital.

    These health policies are critical to ensuring the health of all children in my care , I appreciate your help and support.

    here is my diarrhea policy:

    Diarrhea Policy
    Diarrhea due to illness is highly contagious. If your child has diarrhea, please keep him/her home.
    Your child can return to daycare after 24 hours from the last diarrhea bowel movement.

    If your child has diarrhea at daycare, you will be called to come pick up your child.

    keep it simple. The more detail you add the harder it is on you. Diarrhea is what ever You say it is that day (within reason).

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