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  1. #1
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    Bus Drop Off and Pick Ups

    My daughter is starting school this September and the bus stop is not exactly in the most convenient of places for me, especially with the daycare. I am going to call them to see if there is any possible way to get it moved closer to my house, but I'm not overly optimistic they will change it.
    So, my question is to those of you who have to go to the bus stop daily, what do you do with the dcks? I have a choo choo wagon to put them in, however, I'm thinking if it is raining/snowing that my wagon is not going to cut it, especially in the winter if the sidewalks don't get shovelled. Do, I just tell the parents to make sure they send appropriate clothing as their child will be out in the rain/snow? I guess I'm just worried about the kids getting soaked while we are out there in bad weather.
    I may have someone who can go to the bus stop for me some days, however, there are going to be days that I have to take her.

  2. #2
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    I am so not looking forward to bus drop off and pick ups to start up again...but alas, it's a part of life when you have older kids. Lucky for me the bus stop is across the street, I called last year and got it moved because the bus drove right past our house anyways.

    So in the winter I have to put everyone's snow suits on and I put them in the double stroller plus two more in a wagon. So yep I am pushing AND pulling simultaneously through the snow. SO.MUCH.FUN. Lol at least its just accross the street. that is a big reason why I have not filled all 5 spots because doing that twice day is hard enough with 4 dck...I've also considered getting a Runabout stroller but have yet to make that move.

    I have umbrellas for the older kids in the wagon for rainy days, and a cover for the double stroller for the littler ones.

  3. #3
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    Yeah, I only have 2-4 dcks depending on the day, plus my son. I do not want to invest in a stroller as we don't really do any outings, and most are in the summer so the wagon is fine. My range of ages are 18 months to 23 months right now. I may be adding an 11 month old in September, but we shall see.

  4. #4
    Expansive... Artsand crafts's Avatar
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    Maybe you can pay someone to drop off and pick off. Maybe a parent that does that for their kids. Since we do outings almost everyday I can see parents dropping off kids. If I needed I may be getting to talk to them .

  5. #5
    apples and bananas
    I would suggest that you call the bus company and let them know that the bus stop that has been assigned to you is a "safety concern" They may move it based on that.

    I live on a road without any sidewalks and very little shoulder. They assigned my bus stop years ago about a city block walk away. But I called, and because I told them I have multiple children to take too and from the bus stop and there is no safe way to walk there... they gave me a pass and moved the stop to the end of my driveway.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bookworm View Post
    Yeah, I only have 2-4 dcks depending on the day, plus my son. I do not want to invest in a stroller as we don't really do any outings, and most are in the summer so the wagon is fine. My range of ages are 18 months to 23 months right now. I may be adding an 11 month old in September, but we shall see.
    You may want to rethink the stroller. The choo choo is not safe even in nice weather if there are no sidewalks as the kids are too low to the ground for safety around vehicles. Also while you say you don't do enough outings to need one remember that come Sept you will be out twice a day going to the bus stop. Ideally you would find a stroller with a canopy to protect the little ones as much as possible from the elements but yes it is the parent's responsibility to send the kids with proper gear for the weather but for sure have some spare hats and mitts. I sure do not miss my days of getting kids at the bus stop. I used a large wagon. I liked that they had each other close together for body heat in cold weather which it is for most of the school year and there were no weight restrictions I needed to worry about so they could all ride.

  7. #7
    Expansive... dodge__driver11's Avatar
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    My school board made a special stop for me because I have kids that are under the age of 4, as well because of my wheelchair stuff. I would talk to the bus company, and the route coordinator. I am sure they will work something out for you

  8. #8
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I live where there are no sidewalks and the bus picks up at the end of my driveway! it is wonderful!

  9. #9
    Euphoric !
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    Ugh...I am sooooo not looking forward to doing bus stop runs again this winter!!! I tried several times to get my son's stop changed as the bus goes right past our house and he is the only kid at his stop. They refused. I cited safety, I even told them (truthfully) that some days my son couldn't go to school because the roads were not well plowed and I couldn't get him to his stop. They said they can only stop at an intersection Soooo...I use my 6 seater Bye Bye Buggy and I have a rain/wind cover that I made for it. It does not go well in snow...but I did discover last year toward the end of the season that if the road is not plowed the same day, I could call the City and when I did that, they did come the next morning and clear it. I hope that this tactic will get me through the winter. Otherwise, I would LOVE to find someone to walk him to and from and not have to do it at all...I have a potential candidate right now...just not sure how often she will want to do it...but at least I may be able to call on her when I am stuck. Good luck! School runs are no fun! The ONLY positive thing I found that comes from it is that we do get out every morning...and once all those snowsuits are on, we play outside as long as it is not too cold...and I am sure there would have been many days I wouldn't have bothered if I wasn't already out there. So there are some pluses

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