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  1. #1
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    They want the spot . . . ?

    I had a family come by Tuesday evening with a wonderful little 18 month old bumpkin. Mom seemed great but didn't ask much. In fact, when I asked her if she had any questions for me she said some thing along the lines of 'not really, you've been doing this a while right?' . . . . yes . . . yes I have. So she told me they wanted the spot and I liked them more than enough to accept them into care. so I old her what the deposit would be and she said she would drop if off.

    Yesterday I send her an email with the registration and asked for the information I needed in order to make up the contract.

    I haven't hard from her regarding the deposit or even a note saying she got the email. I know its only been two days but I am pretty adamant about not holding spots without the deposit. The parents I get are usually excited to move forward and want to get in here and sign contracts to secure the spot. This lady seems a lot more relaxed about it and, honestly, I'm nervous.

    I want to be done with interviewing and contracts and bullshit by the weekend so I can FINALLY relax. It's been just short of three weeks since I found out my one little guy was leaving and I've been doing 3 - 4 interviews a week (most with families I would NEVER take - hate those ones) and I'm tired. I just want this DONE!

    How long would you wait before contacting the mother about the deposit, registration, contract info, and the like?

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I know the pain of just wanting to get it done - that was me last summer. Unfortunately my policy is to wait till I have someone else shows interest so I keep advertising. I have found in the past that pestering so to speak someone that even if they signed never seemed to settle in as if they were not ready to commit but felt pressured and always wondering what they missed out on. I no longer chase families. I do tell them this at the interview reminding them again at the end saying ok well try to get back to me one way or the other as soon as you can and if another family interviews and takes the space in the meantime I will let you know. That somewhat gives them a scare or at least something to ponder as they leave. Then if it happens in the next two weeks I do let them know but any longer just assume they weren't interested anyways and just didn't let me know.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    After an interview I send a thank you email with my paperwork attached since I don't give it out in paper any longer. Did you do that yet? You could always send a thank you for the interview type email now with a reminder that you have others interested in the space but you would like to accept this family so could they please remember that the first person to sign the contract and bring their deposit is the family who gets the space.
    Frederick Douglass
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

  4. #4
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    I sent them a Welcome to my daycare email since she told me they wanted the spot. I attached the registration and told her what info I needed. Its only been a day . . . . I am still advertising. I've got the other family signing coming tonight to hand in deposits and another coming to do the same tomorrow. This lady said she'd just drop it off this week to hold the spot, but I haven't heard back and I don't want to tell anyone else the spot is taken . . . but im tired .. . a little burnt out from the interview process. Maybe I shouldn't have been so picky and just signed on of the other families I didn't particularly love and turned down.

  5. #5
    Euphoric !
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    Well iin that case, I would still send the email to tell her that the first one is the winner, you know? I mean, we all know that we can't believe anybody until they sign on the dotted line and pay the money. People back out and change their minds and we are left shaking our heads. Take care of YOU Cadillac! Hoping for good news for you so you can relax this weekend.
    Frederick Douglass
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Momof4 For This Useful Post:

  7. #6
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    Would it be unwise to wait until tomorrow? I have one last interview scheduled. Maybe if this Friday lady wants it I'll email this other lady and let her know? but then again, I'm stuck waiting for her to reply again. I'll email her tomorrow morning and let her know about the interview in the afternoon. I'll tell her that if she is still interested in the spot to call me and arrange to drop off the deposit before this interview? LOL I'm so tired I'm babbling . . . . time for children . . . . sigh . . . .

  8. #7
    Euphoric !
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    If the lady has already said they want the space but not brought back deposit I would probably send them an email with a reminder that you are continuing to schedule interviews and can not hold the space. The space will go to the first family to return the forms and non-refundable deposit.

  9. #8
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    I agree with playfelt. Keep advertising and doing your interviews until you get someone to put down their deposit. I would go ahead with your last interview and then send a reminder email to the previous family that if they dont get their deposit into you by xxx date, then they forfeit the space. You never know, your Friday interview might just be the family you are looking for.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Bookworm For This Useful Post:

  11. #9
    Euphoric !
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    And if the next interview wants the space and pays the deposit then take it and don't feel guilty about the first family that had their chance but dilly dallied too long. Once everything is set with new family I would probably send first family an email saying thank you for your interest but the space is no longer available. No explanation or further discussion just a brief message.

    If they come back to you upset remind them they were given the chance to return with the deposit. When you didn't hear from them you assumed they no longer wished the space.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to playfelt For This Useful Post:

  13. #10
    Join Date
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    FAAAAAAAADGE!!!! Mother-in-law is taking the kid.

    Im so stressed out in losing patience with the kids today . . . so not fair to them
    thank god for naps

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