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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Postpartum problems

    My sister experienced a really difficult time after she gave birth to her first child. About 8 months after her child was born, she started experiencing intense emotion swings. This happened at the same time when she started having her period again. She was still breast feeding at that time. On certain days, she would be extremely irritable, constantly feeling stressed out, even having paranoia sometimes. She also had trouble sleeping on some days. On certain days, she would feel depressed, for hours she would just sit there and complain. These symptoms seem to follow a menstrual cycle. They lasted for about three months. It seems that she might be having a hormonal imbalance. Do other new moms have similar experiences? Do they have some solutions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    1 Time in 1 Post
    Some time after I gave birth for my first child I've become irritable and had some problems with sleep. However, who doesn't have problems with sleep when there is a little baby asking permanent attention and care? The baby's birth is only the beginning of a long long way so I think it's normal to have not only hormonal imbalance but just burnout.

  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home... FSD's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    30 Times in 25 Posts
    This happened to me, especially bad with my second. About 6 mths after my 2nd was born I started experiencing really bad mood swings, I was very depressed (cried all the time), and I started pulling my hair out (literally)...it was scary. My period had already started even though I was still breast feeding. I recognized something serious was wrong and went to the doctor who was amazing!! I broke down in her office and she was just so understanding. It was pretty much determined that I was experiencing postpartum depression and prescribed me an antidepressant and it has done a world of good! I would tell her to go to her doctor and talk about all her symptoms....hope she finds a solution soon.

  4. #4


    Postpartum problems have also affected me, someone has experience in using CBD products, like

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