Potty training woes
I really hate potty training, you know that? LOL i think many of you feel the same. There is a multi-faceted question at the end of my story.
I started caring for a new DCG over this summer. She just turned 3 and the parents said she was potty trained in the most part but She would have the occasional accident. Since she was wearing undies full time, i didn't want to put her in pull ups (which is usually my policy) until i saw for myself because i didn't want her to regress.
The first few weeks were ok. She had just a few accidents in total and i attributed to the change of schedules, providers and environment. But the last two weeks have been horrible. She has been wetting thru all of the clothing her mom brings for the week in one day! She has doing multiple pees and poops in her undies daily and i am so tired of cleaning and disinfecting. i mentioned the pull ups and parents said ok because she has been doing the same at home so they were thinking the same thing.
The last straw was last week when she wet the bed last Thursday and pooped in her pants on Friday, and it ran down her leg and dirtied my carpet upstairs. I told the parents that i will be putting the DCG in Pull ups starting Monday (two days ago) and they must supply them. Still no Pull ups today (Wednesday) but i have now started using my daughter's and they will be reimbursing me.
So...what to do? How does a child go from 90% potty trained to having multiple accidents daily? I understand the changes affecting her but she has been here for 2 months now and she was doing so well in the beginning. I felt bad when i put the Pull up on my DCG, she started to cry and said she didn't want a pull up- she has never worn one. I explained to her why and she kind kind of sulked for a minute but was fine after. To add insult to injury, my own 3 yr old daughter has been regressing too. She has had a few accidents lately- what do I attribute that to? Monkey See Monkey do?
Also- what do you do with dirty/wet clothing? I don't launder them and its in my contract, but when the child poops in their undies, i dump the poo and give them a quick rinse, same as if they throw up. I can't stand the smells.
Regressions happen. They suck, but they happen. My son went through a regression when he started school...he would poop his pants during naptime. It was embarrassing because he had been trained for over a year, and it really stressed us out. There isn't a ton you can do about it other than continue to encourage the child and offer LOTS of praise when they do good. When they have an accident refrain from showing you are upset or frustrated. It will only make things worse. Accident = oh well it happens! At their age you could try a treat/ toy at the end of the day if they keep their pants dry. As far as cleaning poop accidents, no way! Dump in the toilet the solids and the rest goes in a plastic bag. No rinsing. That's the parents job and honestly it's not sanitary to be rinsing poop in your sink, even if you disinfect after. Honestly sometimes when my son had poop accidents and they were too soft I just threw the undies in the garbage. Just gross lol
I don't rinse either .... If there is something solid I will dump but otherwise it just goes in a bag. As for the regression .... Sometimes it just happens other times there could be a trigger.... New baby, parents not getting along, some new rules or other changes at home , maybe she has just gone into a big girl bed, lots of reasons.
Starting to feel at home...
My daughter regressed last year when I opened my dayhome. I had another dcg her age that was in pull ups. My daughter said "well she does it". So it very well could be monkey see monkey do. I just explained how my daughter could be a good example to DCG and show her how a big girl uses the toilet. She liked that and went back to using the toilet. Good luck.
I got all four of my 2.5 year olds now 3 year olds on board this spring. I sent the parents this plan:
One chose this method the rest chose the 3 day method, I told them to start at home over holiday or any long weekend and then I would assist. It has been a long summer lol but we made it. I know how frustrating the accidents can be. I had one pee on my brand new couch 
All we can do is continue to be there biggest cheerleaders and grin and bear it.
I just had a 3 year old start who isn't potty trained, you know who's going to have to get the ball rolling
My contract states that once a child knows that they have to go to the bathroom or at least understands what is happening I don't have the time to put in the effort to train a child. In other words, parents must train the child at home for quite a while before I start to help out. I call it Toilet Practice. Training happens after the child understands what is happening. My contract also states that a child must be accident free for 30 days before they can wear underwear.
Right now I have a 2 year old little girl who always poops on the potty but doesn't get the pee part and I have a 3 1/2 year old boy who always pees on the potty but poop is only in his night time diaper. Thank goodness it's only happened once during the day in the last several months that I've been letting him wear his undies at daycare. He still wears a diaper at naptime though just in case. It's wet at least once a week so his 30 days keep starting over. The 2 year old little girl wears diapers all the time.
I have a 2 year old little boy whose parents are working hard on getting him started at home. When he does go in the potty, it's a happy accident, but that's because they are putting him on the potty a lot. However, I'm not putting him on the potty for a few more months when he starts to understand better. I give it my all once a child starts to understand and put them on the potty 3-4 times a day. The older children tell me when they have to go, but when you are putting a 2 year old on the potty at certain times and hoping for success, it's practice!
Frederick Douglass
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
Starting to feel at home...
Potty Training
Today, I received literature from a parent on how to potty train. I don't agree with that method at all, they have to wear panties and I have to take her to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I will have to talk to her this evening and tell her that I will not be following those guidelines. grrr
Last edited by pink; 10-25-2013 at 07:23 AM.
I hate potty training too!! lol
For myself, I will not tell the parent when to start training or start training their child here without talking to them first. They need to be working on it at home too or else my effort here is wasted. Once we have agreed to start training, I ask the parents what their approach is going to be. If it is something I am comfortable doing than I do it as well. If it's not, we talk about it and come to a plan that we both like. Both the parents and myself have to be on the same wavelength or it will just confuse the child. As annoying as it is, I have no issue potty training children with different approaches. They are not my children after all.
I prefer pullups but I know plenty of people don't. All of my parents have agreed to use them though at daycare so that is great. I take the child to the potty every hour in the beginning, when we go outside and when we are done snacks or lunch, before and after nap. Once they have done this for awhile, I cut back on me taking them as they need to learn when to go. After awhile longer of this, I ask the parents for underwear and we continue. I still put a diaper on them for nap though and for outside. I don't have a set number of days they need to be accident free but it usually works out to be about 2 weeks and then I allow them to come to daycare in underwear.
I have carpet but it's an easy to clean carpet. We have had accidents on it and it's frustrating but I clean it up, change the child and we start again. If they have 2 accidents in one day, I will normally put them in a diaper/pull up for the rest of day as I do have other children to look after. However, I haven't really had more than 2 potty training at the same time so I have been able to concentrate on that child and have altered days around training. Right now, I only have one training and she is in underwear now and the end is in sight!! She took awhile to train because she regressed for a bit and absolutely refused to go on the potty both at here and at home. We didn't push it and then one day she just started to use it again. There is the odd time (usually after nap) that she cries that she doesn't want to sit on the potty but mom said she still puts her on it. I was a bit hesitant to do this as I didn't want potty time to be a stressful time but I did what mom asked and it worked fine. I think she is just crying because she takes awhile to fully wake up.
Find what works best for you, the parents and more importantly the child and go with it!! The key to potty training is consistency in my opinion.
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