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Thread: Illigal daycare

  1. #1

    Question Illigal daycare

    Who do you report an illegal daycare to?

    I know of someone who has several children under the age of 2 in her daycare. She believes that because she is not licenced that she does not have to follow the same rules as providers who are licenced or with an agency.

    She also has a pool in her backyard and a fence that any 2 or 3 year old could easily climb over.

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    Depending on when those children started, she is allowed to have multiple children under 2 (in Ontario). The rules change for this in January.

    In regards to the pool, I don't believe this is a violation with the Ministry but more an insurance issue (or just a general concern for us!). The Ministry regulates how many children are in care with unlicensed providers but that is essentially it.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    Agreed. It PEI we may have 7 children and no restriction on ages if unregistered. Only registered carers, who can have tax money via subsidiary places have age limits here.

    If we know what Province you are in, we can help.

  4. #4
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    IMO you should get someone to check the daycare out as all we need is an illegal daycare have another major accident or a death of a child in their care and that child could have been saved by a quick phone call by you- is there a 1 -800 number that you can call for child safety in your area , and what area are you in?

  5. #5
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    This situation could be entirely legal, if she is in Ontario. There are currently no rules surrounding pools for providers who aren't with an agency. The fence you describe certainly doesn't sound safe, but technically, there is no law governing it - if the provider and the parents are both ok with the fence, then there is legally nothing anyone can do about it.

    Her numbers could also be perfectly legal, depending on how many of the children are hers and when all of her daycare children began care. She could have 5 one-year-olds if she wanted right now, and technically could until Jan. 2016, providing all the conditions set out in the new rules are being met.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    We allowed to have them but insurance very high. Lot daycare provider have them for own child's use only and not for daycare children. We have bylaw about pools for all, not just day care. Pool under certain size not need fense but pool bigger than that size, does need fence.

    Having a large pool without a fence wouldn't make day care illegal. Would just make homeowner in breach of bylaws. Having pool and letting day care children use it, wouldn't make day care illegal, just uninsured.

    I think person who made this question maybe not understand about ratios and pool changing by province. Now she know, maybe looked up own province and realize her day care just not one she would choose but legal all the same.

  7. #7
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    I personal think that if someone wants to call someone illegal they should do there homework first.

    Find out what the laws are in your area.
    Find out for sure what is going on with the provider. (are some kids hers etc.)

    Don't just hear a few rumors of what is or isn't illegal then go "running around shouting illegal".

    You could damage someones legal high quality business. Get your facts straight first. If they really are breaking the laws, then yes report them. But make sure first.

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