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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    3 Times in 3 Posts

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Having a serious dry spell since November, 1 call, no emails. Its never been this bad for me before. Is this happening to anyone else? Does anyone have experience with this and any tricks to break it? My ad is up, just don't know what to do. Having a really inconsistent customer with awful hours that I'd like to let go, but don't want to do it until I have someone to fill the spot...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    182 Times in 161 Posts
    Dry spells are hard but we all had them - just keep at it and hopefully the right person will call in Jan for a new start to the new year, Good luck and hang in there

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    487 Times in 369 Posts
    It dry here too. I had space open early Oct. I fill with very short term client for 5 week which end of Friday. It only inquiry I had for immediate time. Lot on wait list for end Feb and later but nothing now. Other in my area same. Some still have place open from child aging out in September. It seem very quiet at moment. Normally December is busy time with people want Jan but not seem to be this year. Just have wait it out.

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    Sep 2013
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    There's a few parents looking in my area but lots of dc's with open spaces so some are having the same issue as you! It's tough, I think we've all been there and it can be discouraging. It will get better though!!

    I know I say this a lot but the best advertising I've done is creating my dc fb page. I get inquiries weekly, some want on the list as they'd like to leave their current dc! I haven't had any openings in over a year though so I'm hoping that once one does open, it won't take long to fill!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    161 Times in 110 Posts
    Yep, it's bad here. With the new laws, I can only have 3 dckids, and right now I have ONE. I've had a space open since August that I can't fill (an over 2 space, of course) and my other other 2 kid ended up moving and I lost him a few weeks ago. I can't fill it to save my life. My ads all say "24 months+" but I still get inquiries for one-year-olds a few times a week....aside from that, nothing.
    I've actually started a second home business (I make crochet toys and stuffies) to make up the difference, and with Christmas orders, it's been great. We'll have to see what January brings, though. I find after the New Year it picks up a little bit. If people are out of work or only working p/t, if they can afford to wait until after the holidays to find employment or more hours, they tend to. So hopefully things will turn around. I've never had this problem before.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    629 Times in 475 Posts
    Yep dry spell. In October I had 2 spaces open- filled one quick with old daycare family. I have finally filled spot with family but they don't start until February. They did agree to start paying beginning of January to hold the spot. I have another family leaving mid March. I have an interview set up for tonight (did have 2 but 1 already cancelled). There seems to be so many with open spots in my area. I have had a few meetings but my location is not ideal for some which is why they found other care. This is the longest I have had a spot open for in the 5 years I have been running daycare.

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