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  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    May 2014
    Surrey, BC
    11 Times in 9 Posts

    Off to Kindergarten!

    I have two children off to K next week. One is my own but one has been with me and my small home daycare since she was 15 months. I've never had a daycare child head to K before and am lost as to if we celebrate? Do I get her a gift? Lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    78 Times in 74 Posts
    I almost every year have kids going to jk. The preparation is done way before, a lot reading and talk and visit to the schools meet the teachers etc.

    When the time comes we do something special go somewhere especial or bake something especial. I always tell my future jk s to give us a visit and tell us about school. (And they do, whenever they feel they mis daycare, at the end of their day they come for a visit, it is part of their transition) eventually they come to realize I'm also there to support them emotionally.

    And yes a gift is a good idea. Something that they use at the school, I got stainless steel water bottles and the daycare group placed stickers, also books etc.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    I tend to get a large canvas and have each of their friends add their handprint to it. I then write on the names. I check with Mom the colour of the departing child's bedroom and then have complimenting colours for the handprint collage. The children are always thrilled to see my husband's and my hand print added too and we have a dog so my husband paints on a paw print and adds the dog's name too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I make a little paper photo album of about 5 -10 photos twined together. Pizza party last day too. Most kids been here since 12 months....it really drives home how fast time flies.

  5. #5
    Starting to feel at home...
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    May 2014
    Surrey, BC
    11 Times in 9 Posts
    Thanks everyone. Obviously we've been planning for the transition to K for awhile and the kids are well prepared. I just wasn't sure if a gift was necessary when we give so much of ourselves everyday. But we have a little something prepared and all is good . Thanks again for the suggestions

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    3 Times in 3 Posts
    It gets very busy around big holidays and also if a child is leaving to school here too..
    I usually prepare most of the photos of a child and order a nice photo book..Just something the child and parents will have to remember and have for a longer time.
    I used to love those ideas when my kids were small,I still cherish every picture they received from their daycares or schools.

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